Monday, January 9, 2012

Love Is A Creative Act

About a year ago I wrote a sort of manifesto, a document of my life philosophy as it stood at that time. It was an important action for me to undertake at that time because it was right before I was to undertake the first steps in the process of planning and building this new organization and global community that is ForWorld Thinking. The most interesting and important idea to come out of that process for me was the idea that love is a creative act:
"There are so many ways to engage in creative acts in every day life, big and small. When you choose to make a meal for family or friends from scratch rather than cooking frozen meals or getting take-out, that is an act of creation. The love you put into the food is absorbed by everyone who eats it. When you inspire a spark in another person through education, that is an act of creation. The spark ignites a new passion and opens a new path for the other person. When you begin a project at work or school or through charity, that is an act of creation. Whenever you bring something new into the world through love or inspiration or intuition, it is an act of creation that serves you and others. The two key elements in all acts of creation are time and love. If you devote your time and energy to an action, and you perform it with love and passion, it is more likely to be an act of creation. This harkens back to the notion of making every action like the first time, so you can maintain the inspiration and love for the action. When we are exhausted of cooking and cannot feel the love, we rush or we order pizza or we cook frozen meals, and we lose the power of the creative action. When we are exhausted of teaching and cannot feel the love, we rely on books or videos or rote lecture rather than discussion, and we lose the power to inspire creative thought. When we are exhausted of work and cannot feel the love, we coast or take shortcuts or shift responsibility to others, and we lose the power of creativity in our work. The more of our time we put into our actions, the more love and genuine care we put into our actions, the more creative force we exert in the world.

Action, we are nothing without action. Intuition, emotion, and thought amount to nothing without action. There is no purpose for the existence of this material world and our presence in it without action. We are put here to act, not sit idly by and let fate or the gods determine our life’s course. We are put here to act, not to react to our environment or our circumstances or the people around us and how they act. We create our environment through our actions. We create our circumstances through our actions. We create our relationships with the people around us through our actions. We create our world through our actions. We create our life through our actions. Our actions are all we have to function in the material world and make an impact. Creative action is our purpose in life."
The question then is: how can your love inspire you to act to help create a better world to live in?

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