
ForWorld Thinking was born out of the dreams and ideas of two men from different cultures, different backgrounds, and different classes coming together over their shared vision of a world without borders. It all began when Eric Roache, the Founder and Chairman of ForWorld Thinking, went overseas alone for the first time. Nothing that came before in his life could have prepared him for the power of the one on one connections he made with people while traveling and volunteering all over the world. It was an education unlike any other, and it taught him a valuable lesson: people everywhere have big dreams and big ideas. They have the passion and vision to help create a better world, and most of them just need someone to believe in them and to support them in order to turn that vision into reality. 

No other relationship exemplified this new-found truth more than his friendship with Himal Waiba of Nepal. Eric met Himal while working as a volunteer English teacher in the small village of Bhimsenthan, Kavre, about 35 km outside of Kathmandu. Himal was a computer teacher at the school who grew up in a poor village nearby with no road access or basic facilities. They bonded over shared values and ideas about the world, and spent nearly every day of their time teaching at the school together discussing these ideas and values. Himal told Eric the story of his humble village background, of the poor and orphaned children he saw everyday growing up that are living in villages all over the country, and of his desire to one day build not only a home for them, but to give them a loving family. It was a display of humanity and compassion unlike any Eric had ever witnessed in a single human being. It inspired him not just to help his dear friend live out a dream, but to help Himal and others like Himal in developing countries everywhere help themselves and serve their communities. 

It was that period of time engaging in a shared experience that they were able to break down all cultural barriers and share their ideas and passions that sewed the seeds of both ForWorld Thinking and Joining Hands Nepal. Without that time together changing and broadening each other's perspectives and worldview, they could not have successfully developed the two organizations they started or the partnership between them. It is a gift they both wish to continue to give to others by promoting international volunteerism and cultural exchange so that others too may gain and develop similar connections and friendships that transcend border or culture and help build a stronger global community.