Monday, May 21, 2012

Happiness and a Hug

I have a dear and respected friend who has worked in the field of international development for decades all over the world. He told me of a time when he visited a friend in Africa and was taken to orphanage in the country. Despite all his experience in development, he had never worked at an orphanage, and this was just a friendly visit. However, he said the surest sign to him that this orphanage was doing good work and taking good care of the children was that as soon as he showed up, the children ran up to him with big smiles on their faces and surrounded him for a group hug. They did not ask for anything nor want anything from him, they were just happy and loved, and expressed that joy with their warm reception. I have remembered that story very clearly ever since, and so I was struck by this one photo in particular shared by our partner in Nepal, Joining Hands Nepal family orphanage. This is a photo of the greeting and reception given to the most recent foreign volunteer who stayed at the orphanage on the day she arrived. It was not a forced or planned thing, but a spontaneous and genuine display of affection captured on camera. And though you cannot see it with their heads turned, it is clear from other pictures that all of the children are happily smiling. As my friend would surely agree, it is clear from this simple image that the children are well taken care of and loved.

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