Tuesday, March 20, 2012

About My Days in Nepal

By Phi-ngan (Nirmala), Volunteer, Netherlands

Now I’m back at home, sitting at my desk. Just two weeks ago I was in Nepal at the Joining Hands Nepal orphanage in Panauti. It feels like yesterday but at the same time months ago. Being back in Holland feels kinda weird. Now, I can take a shower every day, use the air conditioner, put the lights on at all times, access the internet, not be cold at night, use toilet paper, etc... But I miss the gorgeous landscape , eating with my hands, the wonderful people I met, the excursions; but what I miss the most are the children: their laughs, playing with them, braiding their hair, singing ‘papegaaitje leef je nog, ieaa deeaaa’, playing the thumb game, and all the hugs.

My favorite part of the day was dinnertime and after dinner, when we played games together or just chatted. And when we had electricity Himal would turn on the TV or use his laptop to put on some music. It was so funny to see the children mesmerized by the TV screen. And Didi thank you for the delicious meals everyday! Ekdam mitho chha! Especially the dish with the pickles in it. Very spicy but soooo good. Jammie

The second favorite part of the day was when the children came back from school. Because our room at the orphanage had a nice view so you could see the children come back home. And they were always walking in a line. Brian at the front, then Johnny or James, then the girls Clara, Maria, Louise and at last the two oldest Rachel and Christina. I don’t know why you walk like this but it is so cute and funny to see it! And when they’re back they are shouting HELLO SISTER! HELLO GRANDMOTHER! HOW ARE YOU? HOW WAS YOUR DAY? So SWEET.

It was such an amazing time, a wonderful experience that I will never forget! Himal, I have to thank you for the care and hospitality. I loved how you wanted to show us everything and taught us new things about your customs and traditions. You made me feel very welcome and I definitely want to visit you guys again some time. So I’m not saying goodbye but take care and stay healthy. See you in the future! You guys rock!

With lots of love,

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