Friday, April 6, 2012

Volunteer Testimonial: Joining Hands Nepal

By Baukje Tuinman, Netherlands, Volunteer at Joining Hands Nepal

In January to February of 2012, I stayed for three weeks in the orphanage together with another volunteer, Nirmala. On our way to the orphanage Himal told me he told the children that 'Grandmother' would come. I was surprised...grandmother. I don’t feel like a hajuraamaa (grandmother) at all! But it was so nice to have 8 grandchildren all at once. They really did make me feel so welcome because they were so friendly, helpful, and cute. The singing and dancing, playing cards, telling stories to Tomke (my puppet), eating together (with the younger ones having problems to stay awake during dinner), talking English together, it was all great. Sometimes it was hard for them to concentrate on their homework, because other things always seem to give them more fun.... The longer we stayed, the closer we got to the children. It was also very interesting to go to school with them and be a guest at the worshipping ceremony of the Goddess of Knowledge. I learned a lot about the life in Nepal and the culture. I especially appreciated the kindness of the Nepali people. Most of them were always willing to help us and to talk about their life. I think Himal is doing a wonderful job with the childern and I hope their dreams will come true! Now I’m back home and I miss my 8 grandchildren and my 'nephew' Himal. I’m thinking of you every day and I really will come back sometime...

With love, Bijaya

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