Monday, April 30, 2012

Healing Hands at Joining Hands

By Julie McNeal, Vice Chair, ForWorld Thinking

Our partner organization, Joining Hands Nepal, has a special treat this week. They are getting a visit from a small group of Integrative Manual Therapy Practitioners that are on a special Nepal volunteer trip, mostly treating patients and training interested medical personnel in the village of Kaskikot. Before heading home though, they are stopping in to spend time with and treat the kids at the Orphan home and train at the local hospital. How exciting for them all!

Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) is an alternative medicine modality with a unique, hand on approach to functional and structural rehab. The premise is that the human body has an amazing potential for self healing when given the right support and guidance to function in this way. In today’s world, we put stresses on and into our bodies that were never meant to be on a regular basis. IMT helps the body to respond in a healthier way to these stresses and tune into its self healing capabilities more effectively. IMT looks at the body holistically and by connecting special anatomical points can affect the body on a physical, mental, and emotional level. In the United States, patient care tends to be more focused on chronic and complicated dysfunction. But IMT has many tools as well for acute situations such as fevers, infections, falls and accidents, etc. The Nepal IMT team has put together a special program to focus on the needs of the people there in Nepal. You can follow their specific blog by going to

Let’s wish them fun and productive times with the children, a great and healing experience for them all and safe travels.

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